Allo everyone I am Johan Sebastian Sorass and I thank you for coming to our site. You vant to get to know us and ve like that. Firstly I must let you know my family name is not pronounced how it is spelled. The "S" is actually a silent "S". So you can call me Mr. “Orass” not Sorass.

Personal info: I am a man vith feelings for the earth and for planting flowers and dwarf vegetables. It is up to me to keep up our garden and give us nutrients to survive so ve can sing lovely songs. My goat has the name of Ziege, that is how you say goat in German. She is a beautiful pasty vhite goat and she eats up all the veeds in our garden. Ve like to drink her milk and eat her cheese, it gives us a better singing voice and milky complexion to our porcelain skins.

*The only socks I like to vare are my MIT FLESIAN lederhosen socks!!!

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